HEI Schools Gurugram, Sector 49
HEI Schools Gurugram, Sector 49
Best preschool and daycare in gurgaon

HEI Schools Gurugram, Sector 49 is a premier International Preschool in India. It is based on the well-recognized Finnish Early Education Model that has been ranked the best globally. Our approach and methodology are based on the latest research in education and pedagogy, which is rigorously tested in preschools across Finland with proven results. The University of Helsinki is a HEI Schools’ founding partner.
The HEI Schools Gurugram will strictly adhere to the Curriculum & Pedagogy of HEI Schools Finland while aligning with the National Education Policy (NEP) issued by the Government of India in 2020. The facility itself will embody the HEI Schools’ award-winning design principles, featuring Nordic light wooden textures that create a calming and welcoming learning environment for young children.
The partnership also represents an innovative collaboration model that blends international expertise with local knowledge, setting a new benchmark for educational endeavours in India.

HEI Schools is founded in partnership with the University of Helsinki
The Finnish model has been rigorously tested for decades with outstanding learning results. It combines the best and latest learning philosophies, models, and practices to meet the highest standards in education. At HEI Schools, we adapt its holistic approach, emphasizing on a child’s perspective without compromising academic results.
As our co-founder, the education experts at the University of Helsinki are a part of our daily working team. Together, we constantly strive to research, plan, and innovate for a successful implementation of the Finnish early education system. This is done through a carefully designed plan by providing purposeful play, nurturing guidance from highly-trained teachers, as well as the opportunity to adopt learning as a natural process shaped by one’s interests, all in due time. In this way, Learning Can Happen Everywhere, All The Time
The Finnish education system and HEI Schools successfully combine emotional intelligence and academic competence
Competitive, performance and test based models are not good for children.
At HEI Schools, with the Finnish education model, we promote comprehensive growth, learning, development and the well-being of children, and provide a rich foundation for the progress of their emotional development, skills and competence.


HEI WAY in practice
The foundation of learning is fueled by curiosity and creativity.
At HEI Schools, we believe children’s innate desire to wonder, inquire, delve into new ideas, and explore should be nurtured and celebrated.
How Curiosity & Creativity is reflected in HEI Pedagogy & Curriculum
- The curriculum activities at HEI Schools are intentionally designed to spark natural curiosity. The focus is not on completing the activity as planned, but rather on encouraging children to ask questions, explore, and test their ideas. Teachers and children enjoy the flexibility to seamlessly carry over activities into the next day, providing children with the opportunity to explore their inquiries more extensively
- Our weekly projects are centered around inquiry, prompting children to think critically, ask meaningful questions, and seek answers.

Active participation fosters a sense of capability, ownership, and dedication. Children, similar to adults, thrive when they can take the lead and be proactive. Taking responsibility also teaches children the importance of accountability. Sharing your ideas instills the important message that your voice matters.
How Active Participation is reflected in HEI pedagogy & curriculum:
- Children’s meetings that are part of our program, provide opportunities for children to decide on the rules for their group
- The teacher’s role is to guide the discussion and offer different perspectives.
- Learning how to get dressed, tying your own shoe laces. Self-care skills are important life skills, which also foster a sense of competence.

Trust is like a superpower that simplifies everything. When there is a culture of trust within the school community, it allows everyone to concentrate on what truly matters, knowing that others are giving their best. This culture of trust creates a safe space for taking risks, learning from mistakes, and working together towards shared goals.
How Culture of Trust is reflected in HEI pedagogy & curriculum:
- Consistent and transparent communication between the school and parents fosters a culture of trust.
- Teachers acknowledge and value the distinctive strengths of each child, recognizing that children consistently strive to excel, regardless of the challenges they may face.

Living sustainably involves considering not just the environment, but also the economic and social aspects, striving for a harmonious approach towards ensuring the long-term health of our planet and the well-being of all. This includes safeguarding natural resources, championing biodiversity, and minimizing pollution and waste. It also means fostering growth and progress that meets present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own. Embracing inclusivity, encouraging socially responsible and ethical conduct, and investing in community advancement are essential components of sustainable living.
How Sustainable Way of Living is reflected in HEI pedagogy & curriculum:
- Our curriculum provides resources and learning materials for sustainable practices like recycling and circular economy.
- Our pedagogy promotes a supportive approach and seeing everyone’s individual strengths.
- Hiring and training local teachers and promoting their professional growth and development.
- Collaborating with local businesses for example, buying locally produced food.

At HEI Schools, learning does not only happen in a classroom or at school, it happens everywhere. Every moment and interaction holds valuable lessons for both children and adults, which provides endless learning opportunities. Children learn wisdom not just from teachers, but from every individual they encounter, making us all their guides in unique ways.
How Learning Everywhere, All the Time is reflected in HEI pedagogy & curriculum:
- A meal time as a learning moment: counting vegetables, observing colors and shapes, learning to discuss and listen to others.
- Getting dressed as a learning moment: fine motor skills when closing zippers and tying shoe laces, learning patience, and calming oneself when dressing frustrates.
- Baking with grandmother turns into an educational experience, where measuring ingredients enhances math skills and observing the effects of baking powder introduces the wonders of science through the cake dough rising in the oven
- Celebrating with family; is an opportunity to discover cultural heritage, exploring music through singing, and honing both physical and verbal communication skills through interactions with relatives.